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There are currently 268 pupils on roll and these are organized into 10 single and mixed age classes. There are 8 full-time and 6 part-time teachers, a non-class based Headteacher, 18 Teaching Assistants working with small groups or individual children with Special Educational Needs and a part-time ICT technician. The school is organized into three teaching teams, Team 1 (Foundation and Key Stage 1), Team 2 (Years 3 and 4) and Team 3 (Years 5 and 6). In addition there are teams of mealtime assistants, catering and cleaning staff and two administrative staff. All staff members work together to share and promote the school's positive ethos and commitment to develop all individuals and help them to achieve their best. Staff and children aim to work together in an atmosphere of mutual respect and co-operation. Landscore is a happy and successful school.

As well as setting and aiming for high standards of academic achievement, pupil behaviour and personal values, Landscore offers its pupils a number of extra-curricular opportunities, including sports, music, dance, French, drama, environmental education, Kung Fu, Film Club, chess and art. We also host music teachers who give individual and group lessons in a range of instruments. As a result, the school enjoys considerable success in these areas and children achieve very well.



At Landscore we aim for all learners to ACHIEVE and experience success.

We strive to ensure that all members of our school community:


Aspire – dare to dream and are confident to challenge themselves. Have high expectations and understand that failure is part of success.

Collaborate - work with others and engage with an exciting curriculum to achieve the highest outcomes.

Help – know how to help themselves or others and know how to seek help when needed.

Inspire – are inspired and inspire others by setting an excellent example.

Excel – are determined to be the best they can be.

Value – value themselves and others and treat everyone with respect.

Enjoy – enjoy learning and thrive in a safe and happy learning environment.


The school has 13 modern, well equipped classrooms plus a library, music room, art room and a large all purpose assembly hall, which is fully equipped with stage lights and an excellent sound system. Our ICT provision is excellent with a range of PCs, laptops and tablets in classrooms and workstations across the school. Every class has an interactive whiteboard and data projector. There are two hard play areas and a large playing field, an adventure play area and agreed areas for specific types of games and "quiet" activities. The field is enclosed and surrounded by trees, and banks of shrubs. In addition there is a woodland area with a pond, a fire-pit and den-making resources. Early Years has an enclosed outside area for  play and learning activities. We have excellent facilities for growing and composting and are just about to build our third greenhouse. There is an attractive entrance foyer and reception area and electronic access control on all main doors. The main pupil/parent entrance and cloakroom now has a wide TV monitor on which the school's weekly diary, general notices and pupils' work is displayed. The school is fully adapted for disabled access, with bespoke physiotherapy room, extensive line markings to support children with visual impairment and a lift to the upper floor.

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