The Single Offer Point
We offer full time admission to Reception from the beginning of the September term following a child’s fourth birthday. Parents can choose for their children to:
1. Attend an early years setting for up to 15 hours a week until the term after their fifth birthday.
2. Attend school part time 15-21 hours a week
3. Attend school full time - 25 hours a week.
4. Defer admission until the term after their fifth birthday (in the case of those children born after 1st April, this will be a deferral into Y1 and a new application will have to be made).
In the Crediton Learning Community area, all primary schools decided that the offer will be for five mornings per week, up to but not including lunchtime (lunchtime attendance to be agreed). At Landscore, the morning starts at 8.55am and finishes at 12.00. This equates to 15 hours and 50 minutes per week.
For more information on applying for your child to attend Landscore Primary School, please visit Devon County Council's Admissions & Transfers page.
We offer a warm welcome to children who move schools mid-year. If you decide you would like your child to move schools, please contact the school and Mr Williams will be very happy to show you around. The admission process is through the same link as above: Devon County Council's Admissions & Transfers page. The process usually takes about three weeks from start to finish.
Landscore Admissions Policy 2023-24
Landscore Admissions Policy 2024-25