Before and After School Care
Kidz Star Club is run by Pippins Pre School and Nursery, not Landscore Primary School.
Kidz Star Club opened on the 4th July 2011 and received a Good Ofsted inspection in October 2016. It is run by Pippins Pre-School and Nursery, Early Years Educators.
Our name and logo was designed by the club children, following a competition where the children voted on their winner, designed by Kai Pickard.
About the Club
Kidz Star Club is an inclusive before and after school club registered for children 0-12 years . We facilitate activities to meet the needs of all the children who attend.
The play leaders and play workers are dedicated, motivated, passionate and caring. They ensure that they identify and meet children’s individual needs. They are positive role models and provide positive interactions. The club is friendly and fun, and we encourage children to develop life learning skills through discover and exploration in a rich, stimulating and safe environment.
Kidz Star Club has a holistic approach for each individual child, partnership with parents is valued and individual parenting styles are respected.
Kidz Star Club aims to ensure all children are included, treated and respected as individuals by offering:
A healthy lifestyle by promoting exercise, nutritional knowledge and good well-being
A safe, stimulating environment, by providing high quality care and education implementing a rich, play-based curriculum indoors and outdoors.
Fun, and enjoyment, by giving each child quality time and attention based on their own personal interests and views.
Opportunity to positively engage with society, the chance to be part of their local community.
Working in partnership with parents/carers to maximise children’s potential to learn and develop.
Children at Kidz Star Club are encouraged to be independent, select resources, make decisions, errors and choices by initiating their own play. We promote kinaesthetic learning through discovery and experience by offering adult-directed, freely chosen or child-initiated activities.
We focus on developing children’s existing skills by building upon their knowledge, incorporating their interests. We give them opportunities to engage in play, sharing, learning and emphasise the importance of working together.
Reception children have a designated adult known as a key person who forms a special attachment which helps your child to feel safe and secure. This relationship enables a child to boost its own self-esteem and self-reliance.
Kidz Star Club promotes positive behaviour and uses diversion techniques, actively promoting and implementing anti-discriminatory procedures. We work closely with Landscore and share behaviour management plans.
The children decide and review their own club rules or rules for games. We respect all children and individual parenting styles.
We understand parents are children’s primary educators and believe sharing information is crucial in supporting children’s development. We are flexible and accommodating to parent’s wishes and requests. We adapt our settings policies and procedures to reflect the changes of parental needs. Partnership with parents is valued and respected.
To enable children to achieve and maximise their potential to learn and develop. Kidz Star Club offers a variety of flexible activities chosen on the day by the children who attend.
Activities include: -
Exploratory boxes of toys which includes a variety of construction materials.
Access to books to promote children’s literacy skills.
Den making, role-play, routine songs promoting self-esteem, confidence, imagination and vocabulary.
Physical activities – mostly outside such as football, running races, hit, play area, roundabout, juggling equipment, bat and ball, duck duck goose and parachute games.
Craft activities using a variety of resources such as textured paper, collage materials, paint glue, sparkly bits, and clay.
Writing and mark-making opportunities using stationary, or whiteboards.
Cosy corner and reading area.
Sensory play – playdough, shaving foam or gloop and slime.
Annual visit to the Christmas Tree festival.
A trip every term such as the second had book shop.
Visits from guests such as the Donkey Sanctuary.
Special Events
Are arranged periodically depending on children’s interest we always hold a summer water gala, and hold a Christmas party by Sherwood entertainers.
Tariff and Opening hours
Initial registration fee of £15.00 to cover administration
Kidz Star Club – Before School
Early Bird 7.45am – 8.55am Price £7.05,
8.00am – 8.55am Price £5.30
Price includes breakfast (cereal, toast, milk, water, fruit juice) if required. Children’s’ allergies and dietary requirements will be met. Drinking water is available at all times.
Kidz Star Club - After School
3.30pm - 4.45pm Price £5.80 inclusive of a drink, toast and fruit/vegetable batons.
3.30pm - 6.00pm Price £10.80, inclusive of a drink, toast and fruit/vegetable batons and another snack and drink approx. 5pm. Children’s allergies and dietary preferences will be met and drinking water is available at all times.
You can pay by Bank Transfer to 560049 32602014 or a cheque payable to Pippins Pre-School & Nursery.
£5 non-payment of invoice fee is applied to your next invoice.
Telephone: Kidz Star Club 01363 777608 or Pippins 01363 772474
Email: kidzstarclub@gmail.com or pippinsnurserycrediton@gmail.com