Festivals of Light
What a busy first week back we have had! The children have enjoyed learning about Diwali and Bonfire Night. They have learned a song and...

Phonics Bug Blog
Dear Parents, Please read this simple guide before sharing reading books at home.

Shape Cape 'Superheroes'
Who are these Superheroes in their shape capes? The children have been exploring shape this week and have been naming and describing 2'D'...

Our Harvest Celebration Performance
At school, today, we celebrated 'Harvest' and we thought that you would like the chance to listen to the song we performed, so here we...

Twit Twoo
The children have been making Owls this week with wings that move. They have needed to learn many skills to make their owl. Look at our...

Maths in Reception: Alive in 5!
We have been exploring ways to make 5 in Mathematics this week- there are more ways than think! Here are some photographs of what we...