Year 1 Phonics - Spring 2022
We are continuing to work on learning new graphemes (spelling choices) in Phase 5 in our phonics work this term. We are also continuing...
Team 1 Theme 'Wonderful World'
Our theme this half term is 'Wonderful World'. Click here for the Knowledge Organiser. Please talk through the vocabulary with your...
Team 1 Reading Spring 2022
We believe that regular reading is vital. Please find time to read with your child as often as you can. This could be the school reading...
Year 2 Maths - Spring 1
Hello Year 2, If you are looking for some additional maths learning to complete whilst you are at home, then below are lots of great...
Amazing Authors
Our Theme this half term is Amazing Authors. Have a look at this Knowledge Organiser for the learning we will be covering. Please discuss...
Year 1 Phonics
We have now moved onto learning Phase 5 in our phonics work. The children need to be able to read and spell words containing the...
Moving Dinosaurs
The children have had a brilliant week this week making their moving dinosaurs. First of all we practised using scissors safely and with...
Fantastic Fossil Hunters
The children had a great afternoon pretending to be palaeontologists. They used tools (cocktails sticks) to carefully excavate the...
Mrs Miller's Class in the Garden
We were so lucky to have sunshine for our afternoon in the garden last week. The children loved exploring the animal area, learning about...
Team 1 Finding Fossils Theme
Have a look through the 'Finding Fossils' Knowledge Organiser and discuss the new words with your grown up. Now, can you research your...