Team 2 Orienteering
Team 2 had a great time at QE Lower School today at an orienteering event. The children completed a scavenger hunt around the school...

Romans invade Team 2!
We were so lucky today to have a Roman Soldier (Felix!) from Primary Education Group join us in school to help us with our Roman...

Maths Open Morning 2023
This week we had a brilliant morning focussed on maths and it was amazing to see it so well attended! Parents were invited in to join...

Team 3 - World War Two
Last half-term, in Team 3, the children became historians and we learnt all about World War Two. They thought carefully about the...

Team 3: Henry Moore – Wax Resist
Last half-term, we focused on the artist Henry Moore to link to our WW2 theme. In 1941, Henry Moore became an Official War Artist during...

Team 2 Andy Goldsworthy Land Art!
In Art this half term, Team 2 have been focusing on Andy Goldsworthy. Andy Goldsworthy is a British artist, photographer and...

This week the children have created their own volcanoes. On Thursday, the children had a brilliant time creating their own volcanoes out...

Treasure Islands in Team 1
This half term the children have learnt how to do papier mache and have created some fantastic 3D treasure islands. They worked together...

Haytor trip!
Team 2 had a fantastic visit to Haytor Rocks on Dartmoor as part of our geography theme. In geography, we have been learning about...

Team 2 at the Zoo!
Team 2 had a fantastic day at Paignton Zoo on Tuesday! We started the day in Lemur Wood and we discovered how much they love swinging...