Team 2 Pizzas
The children in Team 2 have spent the morning putting all of their cooking skills to the test making pizzas to share with their...

Gruffalo Performance
This year our Christmas play was inspired by the Gruffalo. We have been learning all about Julia Donaldson and have learnt the story to...

Team 2 Orienteering
Team 2 had a great time at QE Lower School today at an orienteering event. The children completed a scavenger hunt around the school...

Romans invade Team 2!
We were so lucky today to have a Roman Soldier (Felix!) from Primary Education Group join us in school to help us with our Roman...

Maths Open Morning 2023
This week we had a brilliant morning focussed on maths and it was amazing to see it so well attended! Parents were invited in to join...

Team 3 - World War Two
Last half-term, in Team 3, the children became historians and we learnt all about World War Two. They thought carefully about the...

Team 3: Henry Moore – Wax Resist
Last half-term, we focused on the artist Henry Moore to link to our WW2 theme. In 1941, Henry Moore became an Official War Artist during...