French - Week 1
Here is the video that links to the French for this week - Enjoy.
KS2 Reading Blog
We want to spend some of this extra time we all have exploring books and sharing discoveries of great books you make. Please send in a...
Team 1 Family Fun Friday 15.1.21
This afternoon we would like you to have some time as a family! This might involve going for a walk, doing some exercise together in the...
Year 2 Maths 15.1.21
Today we are focussing on the 2 times table. Watch and sing along to this song to get yourselves warmed up. How far can you count in 2s?...
Year 1 Maths 15.1.21
Today in maths we are focusing on finding and making number bonds (within 20). Use the 'Farmer Pete' number bonds song to get you warmed...
Team 1 SPAG Friday 15.1.21
Friday will normally be our SPAG sessions. (Spelling Punctuation and Grammar) Year 1 SPAG - Today we are focusing on recognising 'and' in...
Team 1 History Session 2
What can you remember about the Battle of Hastings? Who were the 3 Kings fighting for the role? Click here to remind yourselves. William...
Year 2 Maths 14.1.21
Today we are recapping making doubles. But first let's warm up... Now work through this video and complete this worksheet. Dance along to...