Year 2 Maths 12.1.21
Today we are going to do some more work on multiplication sentences. Warm those maths brains up by answering these few questions. Awake?...

Year 1 Maths 12.1.21
Today in maths we are focusing on adding by counting on (within 20) again. Use the 'Big Numbers' counting song to get you warmed up and...

Team 1 English Tuesday 12.1.21
Have a look at this picture... (pages 2 and 3 (Castle Adventure ppt)). Can you read it through? Did you notice how simple the text is....

Team 1 PSHE Monday 11.1.21
This half term we will be learning about emotions and feelings. We want you to start each session by becoming aware of yourself and...

Year 2 Maths 11.1.21
Today we are looking at finding multiplication sentences from pictures. Let's get our maths brains warmed up! Look at this picture... Can...

Year 1 Maths 11.1.21
Today in maths we are focusing on adding by counting on (within 20). Have a go at a counting song to get you warmed up and ready to start...

Team 1 English Monday 11.1.21
Can you remember the story from last week - The Castle Adventure? Click here to have another read to remind yourselves. Today we would...

Team 1 Physical week beg 11.1.21
It's time to get moving! This week, we would like you to choose from one of the tasks below. Click on the links to join in with some...