Team 2 - Digital Collages
As part of our "Significant Author" theme this half term, we have been exploring Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book. We have explored this...

Team 2 Andy Goldsworthy Land Art!
In Art this half term, Team 2 have been focusing on Andy Goldsworthy. Andy Goldsworthy is a British artist, photographer and...

Haytor trip!
Team 2 had a fantastic visit to Haytor Rocks on Dartmoor as part of our geography theme. In geography, we have been learning about...

Lowry inspired Artwork!
In Team 2, we have been exploring The Industrial Revolution in History and how Britain was changed before, during and after this time. ...

Landscore Roman Army
This half term, the children in Year 3 and 4 have been learning about The Romans and the influence that they have had on Britain today....