Team 2 Kent's Cavern Trip
This week, as part of our Stone Age theme, Team 2 travelled to Kent's Cavern in Torquay. Kents Cavern Limestone was formed somewhere...

Team 2 Anglo Saxon Trip
Team 2 had a fantastic day at Escot today in their Wildwood Park! We visited an Anglo-Saxon village as part of our Invaders History topic...

Romans invade Team 2!
We were so lucky today to have a Roman Soldier (Felix!) from Primary Education Group join us in school to help us with our Roman...

Lowry inspired Artwork!
In Team 2, we have been exploring The Industrial Revolution in History and how Britain was changed before, during and after this time. ...

Landscore Greek Olympic Day
Team 2's theme this half term is the Ancient Greeks. This afternoon we travelled back to 776 BC to take part in the very first Olympic...

Landscore Roman Army
This half term, the children in Year 3 and 4 have been learning about The Romans and the influence that they have had on Britain today....

Landscore Roman Army
In Team 2 our theme for the next half term is "How the Romans changed Britain" - today we grabbed our Roman shields and formed our own...