Super Sewing!
Team 2's fabulous sewing in Autumn 2024.
Team 2 Anglo Saxon Trip
Team 2 had a fantastic day at Escot today in their Wildwood Park! We visited an Anglo-Saxon village as part of our Invaders History topic...
Romans invade Team 2!
We were so lucky today to have a Roman Soldier (Felix!) from Primary Education Group join us in school to help us with our Roman...
Haytor trip!
Team 2 had a fantastic visit to Haytor Rocks on Dartmoor as part of our geography theme. In geography, we have been learning about...
Team 2 at the Zoo!
Team 2 had a fantastic day at Paignton Zoo on Tuesday! We started the day in Lemur Wood and we discovered how much they love swinging...
Team 2 DT project
Our DT project this half term has been to create a Night Light! Our design brief was to design a night light for a four year old boy, who...
Perfect Pizzas
In DT this half term, Year 3 and 4 have been cooking up a storm! We have explored making pizzas, looking at where the common ingredients...
Landscore Roman Army
This half term, the children in Year 3 and 4 have been learning about The Romans and the influence that they have had on Britain today....
Team 2 Erupts!
For our Extreme Earth theme, we spent the afternoon making and exploding our own volcanoes! Volcanoes are formed when pressure builds up...