Landscore takes it's duty of care responsibility very seriously. All adults in the school receive yearly training in Child Protection/Safeguarding and receive refresher training in staff meetings throughout the year.
The school’s designated child protection officer is Mr Dominic Stacey and the deputy designated person is Mr Patrick Seller.
Our Child Protection Policy clearly sets out how we deal with concerns as a school.
We encourage children, through assemblies and PSHE work, to build up a five finger network of people they can talk to if they are anxious or worried about anything that is happening in their lives. Staff are sensitive when this happens and are clear about the procedures they need to follow. If school are significantly concerned about an incident (or a build up of incidents over time) we might make a referral to MASH (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub) for specialist advice.
If you are in any doubt about the safety of a child then please contact one of our Safeguarding Team, Mr Stacey, Mr Seller or Mr Williams or call the school on 01363 772018.
If it is an evening, weekend or school holiday it is possible to report a concern of your own to MASH (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub). Call 0345 155 1071 and give as much information as you can.
The MASH is the central resource for the Devon local Authority area receiving all serious safeguarding and child protection enquiries. The MASH is staffed with professionals from a range of agencies including police, probation, fire, ambulance, health, education and social care. These professionals share information to ensure early identification of potential significant harm, and trigger interventions to prevent further harm to children.
More information about safeguarding in Devon can be found at:
Additional information about Child Protection nationally can be found at: